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 Eugene Berman   (1899-1972)

  Untitled (Best Wishes - Christmas 1942)
  • ink and wash on tracing paper, 1942
  • signed with the initials and dated 1942 in ink lower center recto
  • inscribed Best Wishes - for Julien - for Muriel - for Christmas and the coming New Year in ink recto
  • paper size 10½" x 7" (26.5 x 17.5 cm.)
  • Provenance:   Collection of Julien Levy
Eugene Berman - Untitled (Best Wishes - Christmas 1942) - 1942 ink and wash on tracing paper enlarge in new window

Gallery of Surrealism
160 Bleecker Street, #10ME,
New York, NY 10012
tel 212.227.9322
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